At Sharp Solution, we offer both long and short term photocopier leasing for businesses. But what’s best?

One of the best decisions an organization can make is to lease office equipment. Maybe you're not absolutely certain that you need a copier or printer in the long run. Perhaps you don't have the money on hand right now to purchase a printer or photocopier. In either case, leasing may be a very sensible and sensible business choice.  

The benefits of leasing over buying include…

  • Gaining access to state-of-the-art office equipment, without the initial upfront cost
  • Peace of mind knowing that, should anything go wrong, repair is covered by your contract
  • Flexibility to update or change your model once your contract comes to an end
  • Accurate forecasting of office equipment expenditures during the leasing period

However, you will need to make a decision between the two leasing options: short term and long term leasing.

Short term leasing means that you'll sign a short-term contract with your provider. The photocopier or printer may only be available to you for a few months before you are required return it.

Long term leasing essentially indicates that you'll sign a long-term contract with your provider. For the term of the lease, which could be more than 12 months, you will be expected to continue paying a monthly charge.  

So…which is best?

In actuality, there is neither a right nor a wrong response. Different contracts work for various circumstances.

The case for short term leasing

The most flexible alternative is a short-term contract, which allows you to switch to a new contract and a new printer or copier after only a few months. Because you are not locked into a long term agreement, short term contracts are typically slightly more expensive than their long term counterparts. 

However, many organizations still choose short term contracts despite the marginally higher cost for a variety of reasons. One explanation is that a company is unsure of what they need. Before deciding to buy or switch to a long-term lease, you might want to test out various types of office equipment.  

Businesses also sign into short-term leases to supplement printing or copying capacity temporarily in order to satisfy the demands of a project. A short-term lease is ideal, for instance, if you win a bid to design a new color brochure even though you rarely use a color printer.  

The case for long term leasing

Short-term contracts are more adaptable than long-term leases. It implies that you won't be able to change contracts throughout your term without paying a cost, or to a different copier or printer. Long-term contracts, however, are incredibly cost-effective, and many businesses find that they benefit from them. 

Some companies prefer long-term contracts because they are confident they have everything necessary to manage crucial business operations. Printing invoices, preparing documentation, and placing orders are a few examples. You will have cutting-edge equipment with a long-term contract that you might not have chosen to buy outright. 

Another argument is that businesses don't have to worry about their office equipment for years when they have a long-term contract. They are aware that it is supported and, perhaps more crucially, that it is available when they need it. Searching for printer repair in Nigeria is the last thing you need while you're busy!

Choose what’s best for you

Both short-term and long-term rentals are offered, and both are very affordable. Not sure what would be best for you? Not to worry! We can evaluate your requirements and suggest the equipment and leasing plans that are appropriate for your company, giving you complete confidence in the choices you're making. Get in contact today for more information.